Fish penis river monsters
Candiru (Vandellia cirrhosa), also known as cañero, toothpick fish, or vampire fish, is a species native people of the area, including that men would tie a ligature around their penis while going into the river to prevent this from happening.
Killer Fish: Bites Off Fishermen’s Genitals
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4 Jan The story is that the fish swims up a stream of urine into a man's penis, Amazon who regaled them with stories of this real-life river monster.
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Description:He believed they were shot because they have those very round holes on the body. Some greedy fish in this river. Unlike the harmless catfish of the US, Amazon catfish are proving to be a diverse group of gruesome killers. He needed a two-hour urological procedure to remove the fish. He was thinking of actually coming in from the side, coming in from the perineum, and actually trying to pull the fish out, head first, but he thought that because it had been such a long time in there and also the fish was starting to rot a bit, maybe try and pull it out with the endoscope, out tail first, the way that it went in.
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