Why do bugs suck thehuman blood

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Vampires are all around us — in the form of insects. Blood-sucking bugs, or bugs that feed on human blood, are parasites that often prefer warm-blooded.

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Blood Sucking Insects & Bugs

11 Apr While she is sucking up blood, she releases saliva to prevent the blood from clotting. Human bodies have an allergic reaction to this saliva.

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Description:They can move from animals to humans indiscriminately. Children are often infected by head lice from their friends at school and this can cause great embarrassment and consternation to parents. The main species responsible is Leptoconops kerteszi which in the Western Cape is particularly troublesome on the West Coast. The conenose sucks blood at night while the host sleeps. But when they were trained at night, the lesson stuck.

Views: 9397 Date: 2018-07-22 Favorited: 47 favorites

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