Bikini shave designs
Pubic hair designs can take your shaving or wax experience to the next level by shaping a portion of your bikini area into a heart, lightning bolt.
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Create an amazing go-to graphic for all bikini wax styles!
Description:Some people say they like the scent the pubic hair holds or that it feels better and improves sensation for them during intercourse. The Brazilian The Brazilian means you go all bare, all over. If you decide to shave, there is a possibility to get ingrown hairs and razor burn over the larger area. We have attached several already published examples of bikini wax illustrations for your reference. Just to mention some of them, to give you a hint: Trim it as far down as you would like, leaving enough hair to make up your triangle.
Views: 2138
Date: 2018-08-06
Favorited: 36
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