Sex slut woman
What makes a slut? The only rule, it seems, is being female
Maggie Age: 22. Adventurous, broad minded and love to receive and give massage, i love to hear your fantasies and make them come true.
13 Apr I am only answering this question based on women that I have had sex with that The word “slut” is what people who hate and fear sex call women who are.
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College women: seen as a “slut” if they have sex on a hookup, “bitch” or “prude” if they don’t
Description:Share via Email Being called promiscuous is sometimes just a way to excuse the behavior of others. Sara Brown from Boston told me she was first called it at a pool party in the fifth grade because she was wearing a bikini. Courtney Caldwell in Dallas said she was tagged with it after being sexually assaulted as a freshman in high school. Many women I asked even said that it was not having sex that inspired a young man to start rumors that they were one.
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Date: 2018-11-26
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