Ann margaret the swinger
Marilyn Age: 33. I am an extremely great listener for those who wish for a little tlc.My name is Kristina, thank you for taking the time to read my profileYou can get normal full service, but i also can seduce you with a hot massage.
The Swinger - Wikipedia
21 Jun For more clips like this, and a most enjoyable guide to pop culture, visit the blog for the NYC cult cable-access show Media Funhouse, located.
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Description:Things like misogyny are still very prevalent, but we HAVE made some progress, albeit not enough. When we look back on the past, while we're understandably offended at a lot of things that aren't accepted anymore, but we can't judge people TOO harshly, as they simply didn't live in a time that forced them to confront or even consider ideas that we take for granted now. What's misogynistic now was simply the norm in the past. So when I say that The Swinger is nauseatingly misogynistic, that's not a judgment made purely on the norms of the present day. After watching Ann Margaret dance around in what is actually a pretty cool into, we're treated to an opening scene where the men of an office actively try to rape or at least seriously grope the clearly unwilling women in the office. One woman is literally used in a tug-of-war.
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