Why are they called sperm whales

Why are they called sperm whales
Why are they called sperm whales
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Despite the public's passing familiarity with sperm whales, many people have wondered why they are so named. Are they called sperm whales because their.

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Why are they called sperm whales

Sperm Whale

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best of Are whales called Why they sperm

The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) or cachalot /ˈkæʃəˌlɒt, ˈkæʃəˌl oʊ/ is the The sperm whale is also known as the "cachalot", which is thought to derive from the archaic French for "tooth" or "big teeth", as preserved for . Proportionally, they are larger than that of any other cetacean, and are very flexible.

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How Did the Sperm Whale Get Its Name? | www.tanie-auta.eu

Description:It is thought that the nostrils of the land-based ancestor of the sperm whale migrated through evolution to their current functions, the left nostril becoming the blowhole and the right nostril becoming the phonic lips. Sleeping For some time researchers have been aware that pods of sperm whales may sleep for short periods, assuming a vertical position with their heads just below or at the surface. Both Murray crabs and yabbies are good bush tucker-fair dinkum! This tooth is about 4 inches long, but a big one can be 8 inches long! The only natural predator of the sperm whale is the orca and even then most attacks are not thought to be fatal.

Views: 4387 Date: 2018-10-24 Favorited: 88 favorites

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